social media management

Social media marketing offers numerous benefits for businesses and individuals looking to establish a strong online presence. It provides a cost-effective way to reach a large audience, increase brand visibility, and engage with potential customers in real-time. By leveraging different social media platforms, businesses can create targeted marketing campaigns to reach their desired demographics.

Hiring a social media manager can further amplify these benefits by ensuring consistent and strategic content creation, monitoring analytics to optimize performance, and staying updated on the latest trends and algorithms.

Let’s connect and get you started showing up digitally, today!

It takes time to build quality, authentic social media presence. We post about 2-3 times per week, per platform. Posting more than that can become annoying to your audience. Our focus is on brand awareness and building relationships with your prospects. Our posts are relevant and interesting per your industry and/or current events and general information.

Our basic social media plans are as follows, per month, with a minimum 6 month commitment. 


    2 Platforms
    (Facebook + Instagram)

    Profile Optimizaition

    2 posts per week
    (Branded graphics with captions & hashtag strategy, with client provided content)

    1 story per week

    Hashtag Research

    (Regularly updated)

    Content Scheduling & Content Calendar

    Monthly Strategy Call
    (30 min)

    Analytic Report

    Investment: $550/mo


    2 Platforms
    (Facebook + Instagram)

    Profile Optimization

    4 posts per week
    (Branded graphics with captions & hashtag strategy, with client provided content)

    3 story posts per week

    Hashtag Research
    (Regularly updated)

    1 hour of regular engagement per week
    (comments, messaging, replies, etc.)

    Content Scheduling & Content Calendar

    Monthly Strategy Call
    (30 min)

    Analytic Report

    Investment: $850/mo


    2 Platforms
    (Facebook + Instagram)

    Profile Optimization

    20 posts per month
    (Branded graphics with captions & hashtag strategy, with client provided content)

    5 story posts per week

    4 reels (per month)

    Hashtag Research
    (Regularly updated)

    2 hours of regular engagement per week
    (comments, messaging, replies, etc.)

    Content Scheduling & Content Calendar

    Monthly Strategy Call
    (30 min)

    Analytic Report

    Investment: $1,200/mo