Manage your business. Not your website.

Do you need ongoing design support, but don’t want the overhead of hiring a Full-Time Designer?

Let’s Talk!

Newsletters & Marketing

Website Maintenance

Graphic Design

With everything you have going on, you don't have time to spend on figuring out graphic design programs or marketing platforms. 

Let me take some work off your hands, that way you can focus on your business! 

Monthly Retainer Program

Think of it as having a in-house Design team, but without the overhead of hiring someone full-time.

My Monthly Retainer Program is just that! It’s like having a professional designer in your back pocket whenever you need it - within business hours of course. Monthly retainer clients gain brand consistency, peace of mind and of course job priority for your monthly marketing needs.

You pay upfront at the beginning of each month in order to reserve a specific number of hours on my design schedule. This works great for social media graphics, small website updates, marketing materials and more. It allows you to receive professionally designed materials without the fluctuating fees or deadline constraints.

Based on the retainer package selected, I will block out my schedule with the appropriate amount of time each month and plan my workload accordingly. Design retainer clients not only receive priority in my schedule, but a discount for prepaying upfront. 

Retainer Packages

Mini Retainer

  • 6 hours per month

  • $75 design rate

  • Priority Service

  • Monthly Analytic Report

  • 1 call to discuss projects

Investment: $425/monthly

Basic Retainer

  • 10 hours per month

  • $15 OFF design rate

  • Priority Service

  • Weekly Analytic Reports

  • 1 call to discuss projects

Investment: $600/monthly

Premium Retainer

  • 20 hours per month

  • $25 OFF design rate

  • Priority Service

  • Weekly Analytic Reports

  • 2 calls to discuss projects

Investment: $1000/monthly

Retainer Program Details

What is the commitment? A minimum of 3 months commitment on all our retainer programs. At the end of the program, we will reevaluate to ensure that the amount of hours business your business’ needs. We can always switch to a 6, 9 or 12 month commitment after that.

What if I need extra hours on a given week? A fixed number of hours per week is included in any one of our retainer programs. Overage hours per week will be billedsuitat the standard hourly rate of $75 per hour, unless stated otherwise in the retainer program.

What happens to unused hours? At the end of each week, unused hours expire. This is to guarantee that each week I can allocate time for your projects and schedule my workload accordingly.

When is payment due? You will get an invoice on the first day of each month. The invoice will include the monthly retainer rate for that month and any additional charges from the previous month. Payment is due before the current month’s work can begin.

What type of services can be used in the Retainer programs?

  • Print Materials – direct mailers, brochures, event materials, signage

  • Ad Design - print and web ads

  • Website Maintenance - minor updates, analytic reporting, and any other maintenance required. (Newsletters & Blog updates not included.)

  • Social Media Design - Instagram post or story templates, Pinterest graphics, Facebook advertisements, etc.

  • Services do not include additional costs like stock photography & fonts

  • Additional services are available upon request.

  • Please note: Services do not include logo or website design. Logos and websites will be quoted separately.

Scheduling the Work

  • You can request new projects or work by email or through a work request form.

  • Turnaround time: Typically I can take care of smaller projects within 2-3 business days.

  • Large work requests can be scheduled for specific days of the month or to meet a specific deadline. I ask for 7 days notice for a large project so I can block out time.

  • Retainer clients are prioritized in my schedule which means I make it my business to get your requests done quickly.

For an accurate quote, please Contact Us!