4 Ways to Support Small Businesses during the Holidays.

With the holidays approaching quickly that means many are starting to shop for gifts for friends and family. Instead of going straight to a big box store or huge online retailers consider supporting those who need it most: your local small businesses. In this article, I am going to share 3 ways how you can Support Small Businesses during the Holidays.

1. Shop Local and Small: One of the most impactful ways to cross off those Christmas lists this year is to purchase products at your local small businesses. Rather than heading to the outlet malls, make an effort to explore your neighbourhood shops, boutiques, and markets. By doing this, you not only contribute to the growth of these small businesses but also help to preserve the unique character and vitality of your community.

2. Purchase Gift Cards/Certificates to Local Restaurant: If you are not sure what to get your coworker or friends, consider getting them a gift certificate to a local family restaurant. During the pandemic, over 13,000 Canadian Restaurants closed in 2020. The restaurant industry was one of the industries that suffered the most as a result of the pandemic, and those that did manage to make it out of the pandemic could really use your support!

3. Spread the Word: Another way to support small businesses is to leave a review and/or recommendation. Sharing positive experiences and recommendations with friends, family, and colleagues is a great opportunity to show your support and I am more than positive that small businesses would be so grateful for it. You can use social media platforms to post about your favorite boutiques, markets, and businesses, their products and services and tag them. Small businesses often rely heavily on word-of-mouth promotion and organic online exposure. Your recommendation can significantly increase their visibility and customer base. The best part about this one, is it costs nothing to leave a positive review!

4. Participate in Small Business Events: Many communities organize events like holiday markets to promote and support local small businesses. These events are an excellent opportunity to discover new businesses in your community, enjoy their unique products or services, and make a direct impact on their success. Spending some time engaging with business owners and learning about their products/services not only supports them but gives them an opportunity to share their vision and receive feedback to enhance their future goals and strategies. Plus, you may just learn something new!

Small businesses play a huge role in the development and vibrancy of our communities. Try remember to keep small businesses in mind this year while checking off your Christmas lists.

Big companies won’t notice your purchases over the next couple of months, but small businesses will and it may even change their life.

Happy Holidays!


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